Fisheries Economics has always been an interdisciplinary field of study with economic analysis based on stock population dynamics, but many published works have focused mainly on theoretical economic issues without much focus on biological details. For the most part, age structured models have been ignored. Bioeconomics of Fisheries Management is a valuable reference text that presents the economic aspects of fisheries management in a broad bioeconomic framework. The book is broken into two parts. Part I covers the traditional areas of fisheries economics, covering topics such as open access, optimal and managed fisheries utilization that is analyzed through a traditional one stock/one fleet model. It also presents the basic results in terms of an age structured model. Part II covers material related to more recent work on bioeconomic models when more rigorous biological components became more prevalent, and views fisheries management with an ecosystems-based approach. Accompanying the book is a user-friendly CD with exercises and examples that aids the reader in applying theoretical principles of population dynamics and fisheries management and regulation. Bioeconomics of Fisheries Management will be a valuable text for researchers, fisheries economists, professionals, and students alike.
The Ear of the Other: Otobiography, Transference, Translation eBook
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