Human resources management is essential for any workplace environment and is deemed most effective when a strategic focus is in place to ensure that people can facilitate that achievement of organizational goals. But, effective human resource management also contains an element of risk management for an organization which, as a minimum, ensures legislative compliance. Human Resources Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications compiles the most sought after case studies, architectures, frameworks, methodologies, and research related human resources management. Including over 100 chapters from professional, this three-volume collection presents an in-depth analysis on the fundamental aspects, tools and technologies, methods and design, applications, managerial impact, social/behavioral perspectives, critical issues, and emerging trends in the field, touching on effective and ineffective management practices when it comes to human resources. This multi-volume work is vital and highly accessible across the hybrid domain of business and management, essential for any library collection.
Encyclopedia of Management Theory eBook
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