Providing a unified framework for understanding the processes involved in project management, this book presents an integrated approach to its analysis, execution and provision of support. The authors demonstrate how knowledge of the process of project management can be linked to management methodology techniques which are, or may, become available. This approach enables different project management tasks to be linked in a process-oriented way, while at the same time providing comprehensive, coherent and consistent information on several existing and emerging technologies that can support the manager in performing these tasks. The book also provides guidelines and examples for systems designers on how to proceed with eliciting information about a process and its analysis, as well as designing effective and efficient support for it. These were developed and validated in practice through the ESPRIT project PIMS (Project Integrated Management System). The text allows the reader to gain a progressive understanding of the process of project management and is a source for specific information about any one aspect of the project management process.
Corporate Event Project Management (The Wiley Event Management Series) eBook
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